Our team saves you time and money

Our accountants can complete your tax return. No matter what your professional or personal situation is, our team is here to help you.

We free you from your Swiss tax return

The tax declaration in Switzerland

If you live in Switzerland, you are subject to the obligation to declare your income to the cantonal tax authorities (AFC), regardless of your employment status.

Usually, the deadline for completing your tax return is the last day of March of the year that follows the tax period. Please do not forget that you can request an extension. If you need help, our team can make the extension request.

Our tax experts

Our team is available to complete your tax return. The only action you will have to do is to send us the supporting documents, such as your salary certificates and health insurance certificates. Dilytics will treat your file with the utmost confidentiality. 

Supporting documents

If you want us to work on your tax return, you must first submit the following documents to us:

Income-related documents and bank statements
Your health and accident insurance invoices
Your supporting documents relating to a pension or to dependent children
Four-eye check
Each document is reviewed by two tax accountants.
Tax deductions
We apply all the tax deductions to which you are entitled.
Our team will handle your case in complete confidentiality.
Déclaration d'impôts à Genève

We make your tax return from:

All taxes included

Do not hesitate to contact us if you must declare your income in Switzerland. Dilytics adapts to your professional and personal situation.

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